Employers & Agencies Job Seekers & Contractors
If you are a contractor or someone who is frequently checking out the job market you will love this valuable Free service ! Whether you work in IT, new media, accountancy, nursing, teaching or zoo keeping.... if you have an Internet connection your are bound to have checked out the best UK job sites on the Internet such as Jobsite, Jobserve and countless others. They let you upload your C.V. so that employment agencies and employers can view your details. Also you can contact job agencies directly about specific jobs advertised online. If an employment agent is unable to contact you quickly you could loose out, someone else comes along with the same skills who can be contacted immediately and you are forgotten ! Also, isn´t it a nuisance when you have distributed your CV all over the place and then you change your phone or mobile number, or you find that job and settle into it but you continue to be bothered for several months with unwelcome phone calls about jobs or contracts, in these circumstances the solution is easy, record a welcome message on your voice mail telling everyone you are not longer seeking a job or contract, or alternatively just leave your number permanently on voice mail taking the messages and sending them to your email as an attachment.. just in case that extra special job or contract comes up !
What about if all those problems could be solved by subscribing to a free service ? FrostByte dmClub will give you a Free for life personal phone and Fax number which does not change even if you move home, change jobs or change your mobile. Not just that, but whan someone calls your personal number, our service will connect the caller to whichever of your phones you happen to be around. Remember, if you can be contacted easily you have better chances of getting those jobs and contracts as the agent will be confident you are always contactable !
That´s not all you get, you also get a Fax number that can either forward your Faxes to a real Fax machine or send them to your email address as an attachment. Your own Fax number without even having a Fax machine !
So lets remind ourselves of what you get with our Free Unified Messaging service:
You get a free for life personal phone number that never changes, even if you move home, change employers or change your mobile phone ! Our service makes it easy for employers and job agencies (or anyone else) to contact you wherever you are, when someone calls your personal number our service can call all the phone numbers you choose until it finds you and you answer. If you don't answer any of them the caller can leave a voicemail message for you which will be forwarded to your email address ! If you ever don't want to be contacted, i.e. when you are not looking for work, simply leave the service set permanently to just voicemail, that way you won´t get disturbed but you also won't miss out on finding that special new job as you will still get notified by voicemail via your email inbox ! |
Don´t take risks by having new job or contract details Faxed to the Fax machine at your work, our free Fax numbers will send all your faxes as attachments to whatever email address you want, but if you prefer you can have our system forward all Faxes to any Fax machine of your choice. You can easily go back and change the email address or Fax machine you set up for your Unified Messaging Fax service. It´s all for free and you can change it as many times as you want online ! Imagine the benefits of having your very own free for life Fax number that you can confidently and permanently place on your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and also your business cards or letterheads if you have them. |
Your FAXes and Voicemail are sent to your existing email account so you only need to check one place for all your messages ! You don´t have to change your email address and you can choose to have your Faxes and Voicemail sent to any email address of your choice, this can be changed online as many times as you want ! |
Our Unified Messaging service is Free and easy to set up, whats more it's easy to change your details and re-configure your settings online !
Still confuse about how Unified Messaging works ? Lets see if this helps explain it better:
If you want to learn more about the FrostByte unified Messaging service take a look at the FAQ and examples of how useful they are to Jobseekers & Contractors. For full information and details of alternative and competitvely priced phone number here.